Sunday 27 January 2013

New years wishes from the chair. 
I want to wish every sheep farmer a prosperous 2013. Sheep farming has been in the picture for a few years now. lots of people look at us and think we are making a killing with the prices the way they were last spring. reality is however that most sheep farmer are trying to overcome lots of challenges. out of season breeding to hit the right market, prepare ewes for the lactation with the right feed ration, raise and feed lambs to sell, transport those lambs to the often remote selling points.
It is good to know that different initiatives are available to help our producers with this. ALP and PRLA are going to put up training courses again this year. we managed to get some of the training in the Peace country. The sheepbite program is available to calculate rations, we are going to get the auction at Dawson Creek going again.  there will be a slaughter facility specialised in killing sheep and goat available for who wants to do farm gate sales.

So to all of you a prosperous and healthy 2013. 

If you have any feed back, let me know.

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