Can we help?

Can you help, or do you know someone that can help?
Please contact the webmaster with information to add to our list of resources.

Looking for a sheep shearer?
Lauwrence Reid
Birch Hills Colony
Dwayne O Brian
Dave Hyland 1-780-690-5015 (only until the end of May)

Looking for a buyer for your lambs?
Eric Verstappen  1 780 536 6740
Beaverhill Auctions
Sekura/Triple J Auctions Westlock Ph: 780-349-3153
Sungold Innisfail

Wanting to transport your lambs?

Canadian Woolgrowers

Want to sell your wool?

Woolen Mill
Candadian Wool growers

Nutrition Advice:

Eric Verstappen 780-536-6740

RFID project participants, needing help with RFID?
Louise Liebenberg 780-536-6654
Phil Kolydychuk
Woodburn Family