Sunday 1 January 2012

Sheep meeting

Sheep Meeting
The Alberta Lamb Producers is organizing a seminar on Saturday January 7th at 1 pm in Grand Prairie. This meeting is set up so that those sheep producers in the Peace Country have the opportunity to meet the board members of the Alberta Lamb Producers. The topic that will be presented by Dale Engstrom at this meeting will be about ewe nutrition and the updated “SheepBytes” feed rationing program. This program will become available to producers in 2012. The Sheep Bytes program is a web-based ration balancing program that takes factors such as weather condition and stage of production into account when balancing a suitable ration for various feeder groups.
Whether you are feeding lactating ewes or feeder lambs the nutrition requirements for each group are different, even the stage of pregnancy and lactation is important to consider. As the sheep industry matures and become more professional, so does the demand for more knowledge. With high prices and good future prospects for the sheep industry, learning how to utilize correct sheep balancing rations can have a direct financial impact on your operation. Feed to need is the key phrase and ensures the proper nutrient requirements for the animals are being met; feeding at the appropriate stage of production prevents wastage and financial loss.
Sheep producers are invited to come to the Grand Prairie Inn to meet the board of the Alberta Lamb Producers and to learn about the possibilities of using the SheepBytes rationing program.

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