Wednesday 11 April 2012

Happy Lambing time everyone

Ram Sale Birch Hills

Bull and Ram sale a success
Prices for breeding bulls are definitely up to previous years, reflecting perhaps the optimism that ranchers are feeling as regards the future of the cattle industry. Birch Hills colony, close to Wanham, held a combined bull and ram sale last week. The bull sale was very well attended, additional seating needed to be arranged as the stands around the sale ring were packed. The red Angus bulls sold well under auctioneer Carter Tink. The top selling two year old bulls were well over 6000 dollars. All the bred heifers were all sold to Morrinville Colony, with the average price for these heifers was over $1650. The Black Angus heifers sold for slightly more.
During the break, the cowboys from both Birch Hills and Shady lane colony gave a short demonstration of their ranch geldings that were for sale.
The Peace Country has not seen a private ram sale for many years. With the sheep industry also on a rise the demand for well bred rams were high. Birch Hills Colony had on offer a number of registered and non registered purebred Suffolk and Dorset rams and a number of bred ewe lambs. Once again the stands around the sale barn were filled to the brim and the bidding and selling was strong. The highest selling Dorset rams were sold for $850.  The Suffolk rams averaged 535 dollars and the Dorset rams averaged just over 600 dollars each. The bred ewe lambs sold really well with prices ranging between 350 and 525 dollars.
Tom Walters, the sheep boss at Birch Hills and, Chris and Jonathan Tschetter from the cattle side of the business were “very happy” with the sale and excited at the fantastic turnout.