Wednesday 23 November 2011

Research shows guard dogs relax sheep

Sheep tend to travel greater distances in the presence of a guard dog, likely because they're less concerned about predators, according to new research led by Idaho State University (ISU).
Bryson Webber, a graduate student in ISU's Geographic Information Science (GIS) department who analyzed the data, said the study affirms the importance of guard dogs because stressed sheep tend to gain less weight. Previous sheep dog studies have focused on mortality linked to predation; Webber is unaware of any other studies done about how dogs affect sheep behavior.
"We don't always have to remove predators," Webber said. "With this, hopefully we can show that the lifestyle improves with the guardian dogs being present. That equates to larger income for the ranchers."
The data was collected during a 16-day period in the spring of 2010. Oregon State University supplied global positioning system collars to record the elevation, location and velocity of the sheep every second. Webber plotted the data with mapping software to depict movement. Students with the ISU GIS club volunteered to observe the behavior of the sheep.
The U.S. Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho, provided the livestock and the four expansive pastures utilized for the study.
The study tracked herds of sheep accustomed to predators. Half of the sheep were left alone and half were guarded. The guarded flocks were switched, and the process was repeated. Though the guarded flocks were more at ease to travel farther, Webber noticed no difference in speed.

Monday 14 November 2011

Time for a gathering!

Calling all sheep keepers, producers and hobbyists: On November 26, 2011 there will be a combined meeting from the Alberta Lamb Producers, followed by a meeting of the Peace River Lamb Association.
These meetings will start at 10.30 am at the Rycroft Ag Society Building, in Rycroft.
These meetings are really important for all sheep keepers to attend, to learn about the changes in the industry, contacts and of course to socialize with other like minded people!

 Do you have something to add to the agenda or need
more information please contact Eric Verstappen (780-536-6740)
 Annual General Meeting
November 26, 2011 - Rycroft, AB
Election of new executive
-         President
-         Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes from last AGM
-         Read minutes
-         Adopt minutes
Business arising from minutes
New business
President’s report
Report on seminars – Chris
Seminars – schedule, planning, brainstorming
Financial report
Next meeting date