Monday 12 September 2011

Seminar on October 15th, 2011 in Rycroft!

Feed Analysis, Ram Selection and Semen Testing, Oh My!

Date: Saturday, October 15th, 2011 10 a.m.Location: Ag. Building Rycroft (big blue building behind Mike’s Wheelhouse)


Join us for a session on feed analysis put on by Monica from Champion Feeds of Grande Prairie,
Ram Selection and Semen testing by Dr. McWatt of North Peace Veterinary Clinic
and finally the topic of predator control dogs by Louise Liebenberg.  Eric Verstappen will round out the afternoon with a short talk about the Peace River Lamb Association and the direction you, the producers, would like to see it go. 


The cost for the session is $30.00 with coffee and snacks provided as well as a binder with the last session’s information and today’s information included.  Please note that lunch will not be provided!


Please feel free to telephone Eric at 780- 523-9911, Sherry at 780-864-3057, if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for future sessions. I

Future Sessions

Getting ready for January in the barn,
-FAMACHA worming protocol
-Holistic Animal Care
-What you need in your lambing toolkit –I’ll show you mine, bring yours and we can compare to see what we need or what we should turf.