Tuesday, 20 December 2011

New growing forward program announced

Great news - $300,000 government support for eligible RFID tag readers, software and training

ALP has been working with the Alberta government to provide producers with affordable access to working RFID systems which will facilitate traceability as well as the opportunity to gain management benefits. The Alberta Sheep RFID Technology Assistance Program, from Growing Forward  http://www.growingforward.alberta.ca/index.htm, supports producers in purchasing eligible tag readers, software and training, on a 70/30 cost-share basis. 

Eligible equipment must be purchased and an application form submitted by March 15th, 2012   
Go to http://www.sheepcentral.ca/ for details of eligible equipment, program terms and conditions and application forms

Today, the Alberta Minister of Agriculture made the following announcement:

News release
December 20, 2011

Program helps sheep producers with new technology

New grant program improves flock management and traceability

Edmonton... Alberta’s sheep and lamb producers will be able to better identify and record movement of their animals thanks to a new Government of Alberta program funded through the federal-provincial Growing Forward initiative.

The Sheep RFID Technology Assistance Program is designed to encourage use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies in the sheep industry to improve animal tracking and movement recording.

"A traceability system is a win-win for Alberta sheep producers, the value chain and consumers," said federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. "By helping to expand the livestock traceability system, our governments are reinforcing Alberta’s reputation for producing safe and high-quality food."

“This is great news for Alberta’s sheep industry as they transition to the use of RFID technology for animal identification and movement,” said Evan Berger, Minister of Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. “We have been working with Alberta Lamb Producers to develop this program that helps producers improve flock management and enhances the integrity of Alberta’s traceability system.”

The Sheep RFID Technology Assistance Program is aimed at improving Alberta’s sheep information and traceability systems to support animal health, public health, food safety and industry marketing initiatives and opportunities.

“Alberta Lamb Producers appreciates the support from Alberta Agriculture and Growing Forward in ensuring Alberta lamb producers are well positioned for traceability as well as gaining management benefits from RFID systems,” said Phil Kolodychuk, Chair of Alberta Lamb Producers. “The availability of the tag incentive program and now the reader/software grant enables more producers to access RFID tools to increase the productivity and profitability of their operations.”

This initiative will help producers purchase RFID equipment and software. Eligible expenses covered under the program include costs for hand-held readers, software and software installation and training costs.

The program, totaling $300,000, through Growing Forward, will be provided on a cost-shared basis with 70 per cent from the province and 30 per cent from the applicant to a maximum of $5,000 per sheep operation. The deadline to apply is March 15, 2012, and applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please visit Agriculture and Rural Development’s Growing Forward website for more information, including program application and terms and conditions. 

In February 2011, Alberta announced the Sheep Electronic Identification Incentive Program to encourage the sheep industry to transition to RFID ear tags by reimbursing producers who had purchased RFID ear tags for lambs born between December 1, 2010 and November 30, 2012.

December 20, 2011

The Sheep RFID Technology Assistance Program

The Sheep RFID Technology Assistance Program is designed to encourage Alberta’s sheep industry to use radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies that will improve animal identification and movement recording as a practical way of improving Alberta’s traceability system.

What expenses are eligible under the program?
The program is targeted at sheep producers in Alberta. Eligible expenses include:
  • costs for RFID hand-held readers;
  • RFID software that tracks sheep by the electronic number on RFID ear tags for flock management;
  • RFID software installation and training costs, if the installation is done by a licensed service provider.

How does cost-sharing work under this program?
Funding for the program is limited and will be funded by the government at the following levels:
  • 70 per cent for RFID hand-held readers;
  • 70 per cent for RFID software, to a maximum of $1,000;
  • 70 per cent for all RFID software installation and training costs, to a maximum of $500.

Sheep Facts
There are approximately 1,900 sheep farms in Alberta. According to Statistics Canada, as of
July 1:
  • Alberta’s flock size was 183,000, up 2.2 per cent from July 2010. This includes:
    • 4,000 rams;
    • 85,400 ewes;
    • 13,700 replacement ewes; and
    • 79,900 market lambs.
  • Alberta’s flock accounted for more than 17 per cent of Canada’s total flock size.

Growing Forward
Growing Forward is a federal-provincial-territorial initiative that better positions the agriculture industry for success. The national vision is “a profitable and innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-products industry that seizes opportunities in responding to market demands, and contributes to the health and well-being of Canadians”.

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

Margaret Cook
Alberta Lamb Producers
Agriculture Centre
97 East Lake Ramp
Alberta T4A 0C3

http://www.ablamb.ca/  for industry information
http://www.albertalamb.ca/  for delicious recipes

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Ram sale

Birch Hill Sheep Camp and N. T. Sheep Camp
Production Sale
To be sold in conjunction with
the Heart Valley/Aspen Hill Angus Bull Sale
Friday, March 16, 2012
at the Birch Hills Colony Ranch, Wanham, Alberta
On offer will be an exceptional selection of top quality
Suffolk and Dorset Rams from the Birch Hills Camp
and a select group of Dorset and Dorset/Rambouillet cross
Ewes from both the Birch Hills
and Mannville Colonies.
Tom Walters
Nat Tschetter
- Birch Hills Colony 780-864-8924- Mannville Colony 780-581-8370
Check out our online ad for colour photos at
www.showchampions .com
or the
Alberta Lamb Producers Website - www.ablamb.ca
Call early for a Catalogue!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Shearing School

              SHEARING SCHOOL

Place: Leslieville AB
(40 minutes west of Red Deer on Rod and Jacquie Turuk's farm)
Date: March 2nd & 3rd 2012 (Fri & Sat)
Time: 9AM - 4PM
Cost: $250.00 + GST
Instructor: Laurence Read

Please phone Jacquie to register at 403-729-3067 or email at rturuk540@gmail.com

Hi everyone! It's getting to be that time of year again, yes you guessed it, shearing time. We are again holding a shearing  course at our farm this year in the first week of March. Last year, we had a really good group of people that participated and of course Laurie Read made it fun and interesting and very informative. This is a course that is good for the beginner (teaching you where to start) and for the more advanced shearers as they learn techniques to make shearing easier or faster. It is two days filled with hands on learning and some good discussions during our breaks. Good food and drink are provided for the breaks and lunch time. Please register early as a limited amount of students will be taken for the course. 

Thanks to Jacquie and Laurence for making this course available to prospective shearers.

COMING SOON - full list of ALP sheep courses 
January - March 2012

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Research shows guard dogs relax sheep

Sheep tend to travel greater distances in the presence of a guard dog, likely because they're less concerned about predators, according to new research led by Idaho State University (ISU).
Bryson Webber, a graduate student in ISU's Geographic Information Science (GIS) department who analyzed the data, said the study affirms the importance of guard dogs because stressed sheep tend to gain less weight. Previous sheep dog studies have focused on mortality linked to predation; Webber is unaware of any other studies done about how dogs affect sheep behavior.
"We don't always have to remove predators," Webber said. "With this, hopefully we can show that the lifestyle improves with the guardian dogs being present. That equates to larger income for the ranchers."
The data was collected during a 16-day period in the spring of 2010. Oregon State University supplied global positioning system collars to record the elevation, location and velocity of the sheep every second. Webber plotted the data with mapping software to depict movement. Students with the ISU GIS club volunteered to observe the behavior of the sheep.
The U.S. Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho, provided the livestock and the four expansive pastures utilized for the study.
The study tracked herds of sheep accustomed to predators. Half of the sheep were left alone and half were guarded. The guarded flocks were switched, and the process was repeated. Though the guarded flocks were more at ease to travel farther, Webber noticed no difference in speed.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Time for a gathering!

Calling all sheep keepers, producers and hobbyists: On November 26, 2011 there will be a combined meeting from the Alberta Lamb Producers, followed by a meeting of the Peace River Lamb Association.
These meetings will start at 10.30 am at the Rycroft Ag Society Building, in Rycroft.
These meetings are really important for all sheep keepers to attend, to learn about the changes in the industry, contacts and of course to socialize with other like minded people!

 Do you have something to add to the agenda or need
more information please contact Eric Verstappen (780-536-6740)
 Annual General Meeting
November 26, 2011 - Rycroft, AB
Election of new executive
-         President
-         Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes from last AGM
-         Read minutes
-         Adopt minutes
Business arising from minutes
New business
President’s report
Report on seminars – Chris
Seminars – schedule, planning, brainstorming
Financial report
Next meeting date

Monday, 12 September 2011

Seminar on October 15th, 2011 in Rycroft!

Feed Analysis, Ram Selection and Semen Testing, Oh My!

Date: Saturday, October 15th, 2011 10 a.m.Location: Ag. Building Rycroft (big blue building behind Mike’s Wheelhouse)


Join us for a session on feed analysis put on by Monica from Champion Feeds of Grande Prairie,
Ram Selection and Semen testing by Dr. McWatt of North Peace Veterinary Clinic
and finally the topic of predator control dogs by Louise Liebenberg.  Eric Verstappen will round out the afternoon with a short talk about the Peace River Lamb Association and the direction you, the producers, would like to see it go. 


The cost for the session is $30.00 with coffee and snacks provided as well as a binder with the last session’s information and today’s information included.  Please note that lunch will not be provided!


Please feel free to telephone Eric at 780- 523-9911, Sherry at 780-864-3057, if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for future sessions. I

Future Sessions

Getting ready for January in the barn,
-FAMACHA worming protocol
-Holistic Animal Care
-What you need in your lambing toolkit –I’ll show you mine, bring yours and we can compare to see what we need or what we should turf.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Rams for sale

Due to an error on my (Louise) part, I  did not see that Trev Jones had some rams he wanted to advertise on the site here.
So, I have decided to give his rams a bit more attention  here.
His ad is also in the Buy and Sell Section.
Rams for sale:
 We have four hybrid yearling Polypay-Ile de France rams for sale.  They were used as ram lambs.
$175 each.

 Jones Stock Farm, Fairview, 780-835-4797

Meet the Alberta Lamb Producers Board in Grand Prairie

ALP recognises the support the PRLA provides for sheep producers in your area, thank you.

As I am sure you are aware, we have been moving the ALP board meetings around the province and inviting local producers to come and meet the board to talk about their industry and provide input and direction to their representatives. We have also provided a speaker on the Saturday afternoon on a topic of interest to producers in that area. The first board meeting of 2012 will be January 6 & 7 in Grande Prairie. You are invited to "Meet the Board" at 1pm on Sat 7th and we are looking for your suggestions for a topic to be presented that afternoon.

I understand that you have arranged a number of seminars in your area and have also surveyed producers on topics they want to hear about. We would like to take advantage of your local knowledge to arrange something worthwhile and beneficial. Topics so far have been "Keeping your lambs alive", grazing management and August will be marketing options and ram selection. We would be glad to hear of your suggestions by mid August, so the board can discuss the options at their August meeting.

At the Fall Round Up meetings, we will be providing an introduction to Precision Flock Management and guidance on using the Flock Snapshot to help with knowing your cost of production and identifying profit leakages, more about that in the August newsletter. We also have plans in 2012 to introduce SheepBytes, a web-based ration balancing program and provide courses on FarmWorks, which uses RFID technology for flock management. We continue to negotiate with ARD for a grant program to support producers that choose to buy and use RFID readers and software.

Lamb Production 101 is being created particularly for new producers, a one-day course initially available in conjunction with Olds College in September. It will also be available as a "workshop in a box" for suitable instructors and we hope to offer it by video-conference and also on-line in the coming months. We are creating a funding application for other topics and course levels.

As soon as we have a confirmed schedule for these events, it will be published in the N'ewesletter. We hope to collaborate closely with your group on all events held in zone 7.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Margaret Cook
Alberta Lamb Producers
Agriculture Centre
97 East Lake Ramp
Alberta T4A 0C3

Tel: 403 948 8533
Fax: 403 912 1455

http://www.ablamb.ca/  for industry information
http://www.albertalamb.ca/  for delicious recipes

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Fall Sheep Sale in Dawson Creek

Vold Jones & Vold Auction Co., Ltd.
Dawson Creek Sheep Sale
September 10, 2011
Starts 10:00am BC time

Take In
September 9,  8:00am – 6pm
Remember to tag your sheep with CSIP approved tags before they leave your farm.

Pre book your sheep for the sale by calling Laurie and Lianne @ (780)351-2091 or
 Neil @ (780)814-4113.
The earlier we know how many and what kind of sheep we will have the sooner we can let the buyers know.

Canadian Co-operative Wool  Growers will be at the sale again this year . Give them a call @ 1-800-567-3693 if you need them to bring anything special up.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Sheep on Community Pastures

Recently, a number of our Peace River Lamb Association members did an interview with the Western Producer regarding the grazing of sheep on community pastures. To read the article please click on the link HERE.

The Alberta Lamb Producers are also willing to assist in trying to gain more access to these pastures if the sheep industry shows more interest in utilising these grazing areas. There are a number of community pastures where sheep are run in SK.

Please contact the PRLA if you would like more information about this topic.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

More information about people who Shear sheep

Dave Hyland
From New Zealand.
I am in Alberta between the end of april until end of may.
Can be reached on my Alberta cell when I am here 1 780 690 5015
My New Zealand number 0 11 646 342 1848

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Sheep Shearing time

Many people are looking for a sheep shearer, here are a few people who shear sheep and can be contacted:
Shaun Fajnor (also does lamas and alpacas)
Lawrence Reid
Duane O'Brian
South Peace Hutterite Colony also custom shear along with Birch Hills Colony.
John and Audrey Woodburn are the wool collectors for the Canadian Woolgrowers.
Do you know of anymore people, let us know and we will add them to this list.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Very sucessful day

We would just to thank all participants to the "Oh, Oh its lambing time" seminar.

We really enjoyed meeting you and want to welcome our new members.
We look forward to seeing you at the next session.
Watch this site for more details!

Saturday, 26 March 2011

New sheep auction opening

Secura Livestock/Triple J  in WESTLOCK are starting a new sheep and goat auction.
The sale will start on April 26th 2011 at 11am,
and will go every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month.

They have excellent facilities; custom made for sheep and goats, mostly under a roof, feed will be available and a certified ring scale.

For more information you can call 780-349-3153

Next Seminar: Summer time in the barn

We will be holding our next seminar in May 2011.
The topic will be Summer time in the barn.
We will have a round table discussion and focus on topics such as weaning, shearing, grazing, pasture management and nutrition.
This will be held at the rycroft hall. More information to follow.

Oh, Oh its lambing time..

Starting at 10 am on Saturday 25th march, 2011 we will be holding a seminar and round table discussion about lambing. Everyone is welcome to join us!